Frequently Asked Questions

Can a life coach help me?

life coach encourages and supports individuals on a range of professional and personal issues. Life coaching is distinct from giving advice, consulting, counseling, mentoring, and administering therapy. You would hire a coach to help you with specific professional projects, personal goals, and transitions.

Why should you hire a life coach?

When you hire a life coach, you decide to work with someone confident and willing to listen and understand. Life coaches are not there to judge. They choose to encourage you to confide in them to work through your blocks and achieve your goals.

Can a life coach help with confidence?

If you find yourself stuck, a life coach can help you rebuild your self-confidence, understand what the past told you, and stop dwelling on past mistakes. Self-esteem not only impacts how you feel about yourself and your outlook on life; it also forms the foundation for your relationships with others.

Can a life coach help with relationships?

life or relationship coach can offer marriage advice tailored to you and your partner, but they will not try to give answers. Rather, they will work with you both to increase awareness and resolve your challenges. You will acquire practical skills that will help you in the long-term.

How do I know if anger management is right for me?

Anger management has such a negative connotation that it might be hard to tell if it is right for you or not. What if I answered it like this; do you feel you take things to the extreme or dig your heels in demanding your partner listen to you? Then maybe anger management is good for you. I know the struggles of working with my anger for so many years. What did not help me was when a psychotherapist told me I was the problem or what I needed to do was count to ten. Anger management does not have to be like this. In my program, you’ll learn the roots of your anger and various ways to relate to the individual in your life

Is Anger a mental illness?

No. If anyone else tells you otherwise, they simply do not know what anger is. Anger is a reaction to an injustice in our environment. There are just a few brain altering mental illnesses that change brain composition, and anger is not one. Anger can become habitual. Anger is also seen as a creative adjustment to get our needs met. Think about this; when we were little and we did not get to stay up late and we pitched a fit, this was anger coming out because we felt the injustice of parenting that is oppressive. Kids do not have the intellect to express, so anger becomes a trait we then use to get our needs met. It might have worked once or twice, but in regular relationships, our partners are looking or love and connection; not dominance and forcefulness.

What are the signs that I am angry?

 A good indicator that you are angry is when you react in a way that is more than likely not how you will react. Take, for example, traffic. Have you experienced driving down the road in a relatively pleasant manner, then all of a sudden, a jerk cuts you off? Next, you lose your control and begin to yell and curse and do everything in your power to run them off the road … ya, you might be angry. 

There are physiological signs you can watch out for as well: 

  • clenching your jaws or grinding your teeth.
  • headache.
  • stomach ache.
  • increased and rapid heart rate.
  • sweating, especially your palms.
  • feeling hot in the neck/face.
  • shaking or trembling.
  • dizziness.
  • Very tight butt cheeks! 

Most of these symptoms are a sign that anger has been running around in your body. These symptoms will often keep you angry, as your body does not have time to ever relax. 

What medication helps with anger?

If you are looking to mask the symptoms of anger, then there are probably a few on the market that can help. If you want to get to the root of your anger, medication may or may not help. But, medication can help with getting you to a place where you can begin to calm and work on your anger. This is often known as medication management. The caution here is to ensure that you are not just using medication to ignore or avoid your angered outbursts. Medication management is designed to help and not a tool for lifelong management. 


Will my information be shared with anyone?

As a graduate of a coaching program certified by the International Coaching Federation, I maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with all parties I enter a contract with. Additionally, I agree with and comply with all applicable laws that pertain to personal data communication, and the organization that ensures my credentials.

What are your qualifications?

First, I am human. I have struggled. I have been to the dark places in my relationship, my parenting, and within myself. I’ve experienced anger and relationship disconnection on a level that has caused a great disconnect in my family, and I have come back from this darkness. I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in clinical counseling. I have attended advanced training in gestalt therapy and gestalt coaching. I’ve graduated from multiple training institutes that focus on the existentialism of life and how to help those navigate difficult times. I guess, to say, I’ve been there and have done that.

Do you take insurance?

I do not take insurance out of a respect for human decency. Insurance companies own all of the information reported in any coaching or psychotherapeutic session. So, if you divulge to a coach that you struggle with addiction or alcohol, a coach must report this to an insurance company when asked. If the problem persists, then the threat of a job comes into play when asked to produce medical records. Additionally, all documentation collected by a coach is required to be handed over to authorities once requested. This is indecent to the nature of being human and unethical by all accord.

Life Coach compared to a Psychotherapist

Similarly, you might just need a life coach or mentor to help you highlight ways in which you can find yourself stuck. Through coaching, you are invited to explore ways you can live authentically and live up to your self-created values. In other words, most of us undergo struggles. In the same vein we’re often numb to our strengths – this allows negative aspects to overpower. Therefore, the coaching process enhances individual strength and confidence from within. Therapy will go much deeper and is much needed to heal trauma. 

If you find yourself in a position where you need coaching, please schedule a free 30-Minute consults today!  

Jeremy R. Allen Psychotherapy and Coaching

5181 Ward Rd, Ste 206
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033