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Intimacy: Deepening Courage and Vulnerability

by | Mar 22, 2023 | Relationship Coaching


Intimacy is essential to human connection and critical to our overall well-being. It can be defined as a state of closeness, emotional vulnerability, and authenticity shared between individuals. Gestalt therapy offers a unique perspective on intimacy and provides a framework for understanding how relationships can foster and maintain it.

The Gestalt of Intimacy

Gestalt therapy views intimacy as the result of a continual cycle of contact and withdrawal. Contact refers to the process of engaging with the environment and with other people. Hence, withdrawal is the process of disengaging and separating oneself from the environment. Both contact and withdrawal are essential to maintaining intimacy in relationships.

Individual Tendency Toward Growth

One of the critical principles of gestalt therapy is that all human beings have a natural tendency towards growth and maturation. This means that we can all form deep and meaningful connections with others. However, the process of forming and maintaining intimacy is not always easy. It requires courage, vulnerability, and a willingness to be present in the moment.

Gestalt therapy emphasizes the importance of being fully present in the here and now. This means that when engaging with others, we must be fully present and engaged in the moment. We cannot be preoccupied with our thoughts or distracted by other things. This type of presence allows us to be open and authentic in our interactions with others. In Gestalt therapy, this is called creating an opening. 

Intimacy is the heartbeat of a relationship
Use trusted relationship coach, Jeremy R. Allen, to help create better intimacy in your relationship.


Another important aspect of intimacy is the ability to be vulnerable. Gestalt therapy emphasizes the importance of being open and honest about our feelings and experiences. This requires a willingness to be vulnerable and share our innermost thoughts and feelings. When we are vulnerable, we allow ourselves to be seen and understood by others, which can help to deepen our connections with them.

Unfinished Business (why you chase your tail in a relationship)

In gestalt therapy, the concept of “unfinished business” refers to unresolved emotions or experiences that have not been fully processed. Unfinished business can interfere with our ability to form intimate connections with others. By exploring our unfinished business, we can gain a deeper understanding of our emotional patterns and work towards resolving any lingering issues.

Ownership of You and Your Needs

Finally, gestalt therapy emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for our experiences. This means we must take ownership of our feelings, reactions, and actions in our relationships. By taking responsibility for our own experiences, we can create a sense of empowerment and agency in our lives, which can help us to form more profound and meaningful connections with others.


In conclusion, intimacy is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human connection. Gestalt therapy provides:

  • A unique perspective on intimacy.
  • Emphasizing the importance of presence and vulnerability.
  • The ability to process unresolved emotions.

By incorporating these principles into our relationships, we can create more profound, authentic connections and experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment in our lives.

Jeremy R. Allen, Licensed Professional Counselor
Son. Veteran. Husband. Father. Psychotherapist.