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How to increase your individual Awareness.

by | Jun 24, 2017 | Coaching, Couple's connections, Fathering, Men's Issues, Relationship Coaching

Everyday Offers a Chance to Either Distance or Engage in Life Changes.


The weather has been frantic here in Denver; hot, cold, overcast, and snowy. This is pretty typical for October. As the typical pattern changes and temperatures plunder, I notice my patterns that are changing. I notice the desire to sink into old patterns. This feeling comes on stronger with every push I dredge through raw material. Choosing to switch focus for trauma informed therapy to personal coaching allows unconscious material to move into awareness. Intellectual complexes surface. Life changes are among me. Similarly, as weather changes and as life changes, this offers awareness of my changes or stagnation with life.
Jungian Analyst Robert Moore illustrates: 

“The soul doesn’t thrive on grand schemes of salvation or on smooth, uncluttered principles…Soulfulness is not created by naive exposure, what matters is not how much you expose about yourself in a conversation, but that your soul is engaged.” 

Movement Does Not Have to be Neither Good Nor Bad, Just Make it Intentional. 

As I sit here pondering these life changes, I cannot help but wonder, what next? Next. The notion sinks heavily. The shifting patterns are changing. Some good changes. Some sad changes. Family moving on, and family moving away. I’m moving away. I have moved on from old connections too. Connections that have not nurtured me for quite a while now. This is where the raw feelings incubate. How I incorporate these life changes is how I will engage with the next phase of life. I want to expand my presence online through teaching and coaching to help serve a much needed population. Men. As I move into an older time in life I want to support the younger men who are struggling with life changes. My personal growth comes from increasing awareness in men. Helping men stay present in relationship; if this relationship fits them. Even though I support many men, I still need to support myself. 

Closures Increases Distance. 

My life is filled with closure and openings. Death and rebirth. As I notice these paradigms, I also notice my desire to skip over the here-and-now of life. Where do I notice my focus on life? Do I ignore life? How do I bring life in? Is it easier to not talk about themes in my life? I notice the comfort to distance and withdraw, but still find inspiration in knowing I do not have to fall into these patterns. Many challenges in life arise as we begin to question its purpose; our purpose. What I can offer is not questioning life, if that does not fit, but maybe enhancing presence in life. Enhancing presence in life can lead to deep quandary that can lead to fuller presence.

I choose to avoid being stagnant by understanding my awareness.

Much quandary.

Come join me in discovering your patterns and the meaning to your very own journey.

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation. 

Jeremy R. Allen
Son. Husband. Father. Coach.
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