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Personal Experiences Can Shape Us or Bind Us.

by | Feb 11, 2018 | Coaching, Couple's connections, Fathering, Men's Issues, Relationship Coaching

Have You Ever Wondered What a Life Coach Can Do For You?

This 3-minute read will help you focus on clarity and gain a more profound awareness of the question, “What can a life coach help me do?” 

I’m willing to bet at one point in your life, you asked yourself, “What am I doing with my life?” At least, I hope you did! This will happen when you experienced emotional difficulty in a relationship or even a time in your life where you felt as if you were not living up to your own potential. In either instance, I’m sure this placed a huge emotional burden on you and possibly even your family. 

Rest assured, as a life coach, I can help you focus on all the internal banter and rumination drifting through your mind and help you increase the clarity you need to find practical solutions. 


I just feel so stuck in life. 

This statement is the basis of where we begin in life coaching. Through the passion I have for dialogue, together, we’ll uncover exactly where you feel stuck and unable to propel forward in life. This could be due to a relationship that might no longer be serving you. Maybe this is due to your inability to effectively communicative your intention to others in your life? As your life coach, I will help you understand more clearly through the dialogic process to help you make better decisions that you do not regret. What you will find when you listen to your sense of authenticity will be the liberation from fear, anxiety, possibly even anger. 


How can I become a better partner? 

The foundation of any relationship is communication. You might be an ineffective communicator. However, it is essential to learn how you developed these patterns and make appropriate changes. Yes, we make choices in how we communicate, but isn’t it also important to change our communication style if we are not being met in your relationship? 

Relationships can have effective communication as long as you are ready to learn from conflict. Dr. John and Judy Gottman predict relationships’ success depends on how couples talk to one another. They relate using criticism, contempt, defensiveness, or stonewalling as predictors to the relationship’s demise. A life coach with an emphasis on communication can help you speak your truth to your partner, which will allow you to show up more authentically. When this happens, we tend to love more vulnerably and not allow our partners to overpower us. 


How can I communicate more clearly? 

Your intent in communication is going to be essential. I understand others might not listen to you, but this must not stop you from attempting to communicate more authentically. If you do not communicate with your utmost intention, you will enter into defensiveness or criticism. As a life coach, I can help you become more aware of what your authentic desires are, bring into clarity your choices in any situation, and learn how to react or engage from there. 


How can I gain increased self-confidence? 

Authenticity is the key here. As a life coach relying on the dialogic process, we’ll discover where you forgo your confidence in the desire to be confluent with everyone around you. As a life coach, I am privileged to help those who suffer from confidence loss by showing them how to tap into self-confidence and how to ensure people stop walking all over you. This does not have to be from an aggressive place, but rather an assertive stance. This will also bring out your hidden talents that have been hiding deep below. 


Who is stop me from growing? 

The answer is you. The problem is you have been listening to these self-defeating behaviors for far too long. You’ve begun to believe them. Trust me, they were created as a protective measure to ensure you were not hurt again. But now they are just not working anymore. As a life coach, I will help you identify where these behaviors come from, we’ll make definite choices in how to undo these, and then we’ll take this changed person out into the world and show the world what it has been missing. 


Are you ready to see how a coach can help you live more authentically?

Feel free to reach out for a free consultation



Son. Husband. Father. Coach